The City of Belleville's Community Services Department has rules and policies in place to ensure that staff and clients are safe and enjoy their visit while at our facilities. Please review the RZone Policy and general facility rules.
RZone Policy
The RZone is all about respect and responsibility – respect for yourself, respect for others, and responsibility for your actions.
The RZone Policy is a “zero tolerance” behaviour policy which outlines measures to discourage incidents of inappropriate behaviour and to ensure that any instances are dealt with quickly, fairly and in a consistent manner. It applies to all City of Belleville facilities, properties, City-sponsored events, programs, written or verbal communications or at any other location where City staff are present.
The goal is to promote a positive, safe enjoyable and supportive environment for all participants, spectators, contractors, volunteers and employees.
The City of Belleville is a place of mutual respect for staff, volunteers clients and visitors. We will not tolerate behaviour or language that is: threatening, abusive or violent.
To report an incident, email us or call 613-967-3265
General facility rules
- Please be respectful to all;
- Outdoor shoes, food, drinks and personal items are not allowed in the fitness, gym or track areas;
- The City of Belleville is not responsible for lost or stolen items;
- Lock your items in a locker (locks can be purchased at the customer service desk);
- Avoid the use of scented products (perfume, cologne, hairspray);
- Attendance capacities may change depending on the activity;
- No running or playing games/hockey except in designated areas;
- Solicitation is strictly prohibited within the facility and on the property. This includes, but is not limited to, the distribution of flyers, solicitation of donations, sales activities, and any other forms of solicitation.;
- Fundraising is not permitted unless approved by the Community Services Department. It is reserved for user groups within the QSWC;
- Alcohol is not permitted in the facility or the premises without proper approval and licensing;
- Smoking and vaping on the property and in the facility are not permitted;
- Children under 10 years must have a parent or guardian remain in the facility and never be left alone.
- Cameras and cell phones are not permitted for picture taking or recording in the pool, pool changerooms, dressing rooms, washrooms (without approval).
Change room rules |
Fitness studio rules |
Workout studio rules |
Indoor track rules |
The track is a shared space. Please follow the track rules.
Pickleball notes |
After receiving the results from the recent Pickleball User Survey, we are making changes to our recreation pickleball program in hopes to assist some of the challenges our clients have been experiencing. Please visit or call Customer Service with any questions you may have after reviewing this information. Each pickleball player will need to select a play level: Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced Beginning March 11, 2024 you will need to call (613-966-4632) or visit our Customer Service Desk to register for your correct level membership pass. Only one pass per client will be permitted. Passes are provided at a zero cost. Pickleball registration will now be taking place monthly.
Frequently Asked Questions 1) How do I know what level I am at if I usually play a split level (i.e. Beg/Int or Int/Adv)? Use this week to ask the staff where you would best fit. Or use your best judgement – how long have you played, are you here for beginner fun, or more challenging level of play, or have you been playing for some time and can keep up with a faster paced, higher level of play? 2) How can I change levels if the level I choose is no longer appropriate? If you would like to learn more about the levels, please connect with a program coordinator for more information. Requests to switch pickleball levels will only be accommodated during the last week before the next session registration is open, these requests can be made through Please NOTE: While we are aware that the pickleball program fills quickly, it is a first come, first serve system and we are unable to facilitate switches during registration in the event your designated level/class is full. 3) What is the reasoning behind monthly registration? As a result of the Pickleball User Survey, many selected weekly or monthly options. Monthly was the middle ground. It will allow more access if people cannot get in as they only have to wait one month to try again rather than wait 3 months. 4) Will future registrations still be separated for City Taxpayers/Residents or will it become monthly for everyone? Registrations will remain as City Taxpayers/Residents first and then open to all 3 days later. Registration for your pickleball sessions can still be done online, in-person, or over the phone. 5) Why are the fees increasing 100%? The fees review study that is underway determined that some programs had a higher 'community' benefit versus sports that have an 'individual' benefit and should be subsidized by the Taxpayers less and paid for by the users. Others will also be paying $6.00 per play too (basketball, volleyball, badminton, shinny hockey, etc.). 6) What if the new schedule doesn’t work for me after I’ve already selected my level? We are doing the schedule month by month to review and adjust as needed. Unfortunately, you will have to select your level and play within it. We understand this potentially may reduce the number of times you can play per week. 7) Why are there no longer split levels? We received a very high number of responses from the Pickleball User Survey that indicated they prefer to play with the same levels. Splitting the levels also deters people from playing in multiple sessions per day which will open some additional spaces for those who could not get a space to play – ultimately making it more fair. |
Skating rules |
Swimming rules |
Gymnasium rules |