On December 21, 2020, the provincial government announced a province-wide shutdown. As of December 26 at 12:01 a.m., the Quinte Sports and Wellness Centre will be closed to the public as part of the provincial shutdown. Staff will still be working behind the scenes and will be available by phone at 613-966-4632 or by email us.
Please see the media release that was sent out by the City of Belleville.
Clients registered in recreational swims between December 27 and January 3 have been contacted and credits or passes put back on your accounts. Clients with ice rentals have also been contacted.
Looking ahead, we plan to post an online Activity Guide by the end of the day on January 6, 2021, which will feature fitness classes, speaker series and learn and create classes that will be held virtually. Registration will begin on January 11. All other in-person programs will be on hold until after the provincial shutdown has ended. This of course is subject to change. Stay tuned for further information and updates at QSWC.CA
On behalf of all of us in the Recreation, Culture and Community Services Department, we wish you a wonderful holiday season. Please stay safe!